To search for photographs of object meeting your criteria, use the pull down menus to the following boxes. You can use any and all fields, in whatever combination you like. The list of items includes only item names where there is a picture that corresponds to it. Thus, there may be gaps in the criteria, with the gaps items where there is no corresponding picture as yet. If you want to search for an item not on the search list go one level up to see if there are pictures where the associated item has not yet been identified. So, for instance, if you're looking for objects of a specific dynasty but that dynasty is not listed, that dynasty is not listed because there are no pictures of objects in that dynasty. In this case search the associated period.
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Hint: Remember that the more restrictive you are the fewer the number of pictures you will find. Further, with some items the detailed characteristic of an item may not be known, so an item may be listed based only broad criteria. If you restrict a search to a narrow field you will miss items meeting your criteria but possibly available through a broader classification. For instance you may want objects only of a single dynasty. However, if you limit to your search only to objects identified as being in this dynasty you will miss an object meeting your criteria but where the party has listed it only in the associated period because they did not know the correct dynasty. To be comprehensive you should also search the period - the broader criteria - to spot objects that meet your criteria. If you find an object like this - for instance where it is listed by period but where you can identify the dynasty - please include your observation in the Comments so we can update the data on the object and put it in the appropriate field.